Controlling sound transmission in buildings through wall, floor and ceiling assemblies is important for the comfort level and enjoyment of building occupants as they live, work and play in these buildings. Noise from areas surrounding individual living or working spaces that makes its way into that space can reduce the enjoyment of that space and adversely affect the health and wellbeing of the occupants. Environmental noise such as nearly roadways, airports and playgrounds contribute to the noise levels in a building. Likewise, noise transmitted through walls, ceilings and floors of adjacent occupancies, offices and residences can cause a decrease in the comfort of the occupants as well as privacy concerns. This report aims to explore the methods one can use to reduce sound transmission in assemblies constructed with wood trusses.
This legacy SBCA Research Report represents information and code requirements current as of the publication date shown. However, codes and standards change periodically. The user is encouraged to verify the referenced information is still current and conforms to current code requirements.
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