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Technical Paper
Repairs to Field Modified Damaged Trusses TF No. 1111
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center As a home inspector, I have recently inspected an existing home with an attic truss system installed. Several of the truss web members have been cut away to allow access to an attic-mounted heating system.
Technical Paper
Drilled Hole in Truss TF No. 1110
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center I need to know how to repair a hole that has been drilled through a truss. In installing the wiring we improperly put the wires through the truss and now need to know the proper way to repair it.
Technical Paper
Truss Failure and Repair TF No. 1109
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center I am a professional engineer looking for information concerning the failure of metal plate connected wood trusses and methods of repair.
Technical Paper
Information on Cutting Gable End Studs TF No. 1108
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center Is there any information relating to the cutting of gable studs in the field to place a louver or a window over a gable trussed end wall?
Technical Paper
Cutting Trusses TF No. 1107
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center Our home has 2x4 roof trusses spanning 25 ft. spaced 16 in. O.C. Currently, there is limited attic storage on a plywood subfloor on the bottom chords, accessed via a small hatch in a closet.
Technical Paper
Lumber Substitution TF No. 1106
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center If the truss design drawing specifies using 2x4 1650F SPF, can 2x4 No. 2 southern pine be used instead? What are some things that need to be checked?
Technical Paper
Deflection of Long Span Scissors Trusses TF No. 1105
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center I was wondering if you have any information or anecdotes relating to the deflection performance of long span scissors trusses? We recently sold a job with 70 ft. long scissors trusses.
Technical Paper
Manufacturing Tolerances TF No. 1104
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center I am a structural engineer on a project with a wood trussed roof. I have noticed some variations in the peak height in a run of identical trusses. Do you have any information on tolerances for the final dimensions of manufactured trusses?
Technical Paper
Shimming or Shaving Variances in Truss Dimensions TF No. 1103
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center If you have the condition where you are out by the max tolerances of 1/2 in., how do you correct the situation? Do you shim the truss from the bottom? Shim from the top? I will assume you do not shave the truss off.
Technical Paper
Standard on Center Spacing TF No. 1102
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center What is the recommended standard spacing for open-web wood joists? I have seen them placed 24 in. O.C. Is this acceptable for a customer who will have an exercise room with 500 pounds of free weights?
Technical Paper
Sound Rating Information TF No. 1101
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center Do you have sound rating information for floor truss assemblies (i.e., STC and IIC ratings)? We are looking specifically for ratings for 12 in. floor trusses, with 1 and 1/2 in. concrete topping and without the topping.
Technical Paper
Allowable Deflection in Floor Trusses TF No. 1100
Friday, February 14, 2025 SBCA Knowledge Center Is there a chart available on the allowable amount of deflection on floor trusses?