SRR No. 1507-11 MWFRS Method v/s Components and Cladding Method for Truss Uplift Connection Design for Wind
ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads of Buildings and Other Structures, lists two methods for calculating wind pressures: Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and Components & Cladding (C&C). Choosing which method to use when designing uplift connections for trusses can raise a number of questions for building designers, code officials and truss designers. This report will provide information to assist the building designer in deciding upon the appropriate analysis method for uplift due to wind loading. 

This article should prove to be of relevance to building designers, building code officials and truss designers regarding which analysis method, MWFRS or C&C, should be used in wind load calculations for the design of uplift connections for trusses. 
This legacy SBCA Research Report represents information and code requirements current as of the publication date shown. However, codes and standards change periodically. The user is encouraged to verify the referenced information is still current and conforms to current code requirements.
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