SRR No. 1408-01 Attachment of Residential Deck Ledger to Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Floor Systems
This research report provides construction details for residential deck ledger attachment to metal plate connected wood truss floor systems. The applicable codes and standards follow the 2009, 2012 and 2015 International Building Code (IBC) and the 2009, 2012 and 2015 International Residential Code (IRC). Proper attachment of the deck ledger to the house is critical for ensuring that an “attached” deck is safely and securely supported at this location. This report provides details for attaching a 2" nominal lumber deck ledger to residential floor systems constructed with metal plate connected wood (MPCW) floor trusses.
This legacy SBCA Research Report represents information and code requirements current as of the publication date shown. However, codes and standards change periodically. The user is encouraged to verify the referenced information is still current and conforms to current code requirements.
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